
Kelowna International Airport, Kelowna, BC

Kimco Controls has provided 24-hour HVAC services to Kelowna International Airport for 30 years—although the first flight took off from Ellison Field in 1947! The decades-long successful HVAC relationship led to providing water treatment services for the airport five years ago, resulting in equipment efficiency, longevity, and reduced operational costs.

Longtime HVAC client Kelowna International Airport levelled up their building services game when opting for regular water treatment services with Kimco Controls.

When Kimco first began providing water treatment services to their longtime HVAC client, Kelowna International Airport, various building loops were under strain, at risk of failure, or requiring frequent repairs due to poor treatment levels.

Without proper treatment to industry standards, the airport’s 15 boilers, 32 pumps, and numerous heat exchangers would be unable to provide the necessary exchange.

Kimco quickly resolved any loop issues using water treatment services, including AQ10 solution, proper replacement valves, and filtration, improving equipment efficiency and preventing premature equipment failure.

“Benjamin Franklin once said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—that’s exactly what water treatment is. Water treatment is an investment in your building’s future, not an expense.” 

— Baxter Williams HVAC/R Technician, Water Treatment Solutions

The Challenge

  1. As the airport is a vital hub for the Okanagan, any work on the building must be completed with extra care to prevent disruptions to operations.

  2. After many years of projects, building loops were crossed over from hot to cold, resulting in pressurization issues.

  3. Due to poor treatment levels, the large chiller loop was fouled with debris, resulting in a failing three-way valve, frequent pump repairs, and underperformance of the chiller.

The Kimco Solution

  1. To avoid disruptions to the airport’s operations, the Kimco team performed major tasks at night.

  2. Kimco identified the source of the building loops issue and corrected it with proper replacement valves. Next, they began the water treatment process for the various building loops, improving the performance and efficiency of both heated and chilled loops and preventing downtime in the long run.

  3. Debris is the most common cause of failure for these components. Kimco implemented a water treatment program using an AQ10 solution and a three-step bag filtration program to address fouling, debris, and poor chiller performance.

The AQ10 solution provides a micro barrier to prevent further flaking and scaling while filtration removes debris.

It’s also important to note that warranties on newer equipment, including boilers, cooling towers, and pumps, can be void without proof of water treatment from a qualified program. 

Today, Kimco’s water treatment technicians—who are also trained Red Seal HVAC/R mechanics—provide Kelowna International Airport with the following water treatment services: 

  • Water treatment maintenance program for 10 water-based heating and cooling towers with Kimco’s AQ10 solution
  • Cooling tower maintenance with AQ50 anti-scale solution and alternating biocide program to ensure public safety
  • Bi-annual testing for
    • Total dissolved solids
    • pH
    • Water hardness
    • Inhibitors
    • Glycol percentage
    • Freeze protection in outdoor glycol loops

The result is less premature equipment downtime, extended equipment sustainability, and lower operational costs, including less costly repairs for filter cleaning and failing strainer components. 



Project Type:

Water Treatment

Services Provided:

  • 24-hour HVAC services
  • Water treatment maintenance program
  • Bi-annual testing for water treatment
  • Cooling tower maintenance


Kimco Controls has provided 24-hour HVAC services to Kelowna International Airport for 30 years—although the first flight took off from Ellison Field in 1947! The decades-long successful HVAC relationship led to providing water treatment services for the airport five years ago, resulting in equipment efficiency, longevity, and reduced operational costs.

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